Any way to import a bunch of pictures and have them each be their own Page?

Questioner 2022-04-19 08:08 656


I want to try using OneNote as a Recipe organizer.  I have scans of recipe notecards that I want to import into Onenote.  Is there any way to import multiple picture and have them each become their own page automatically?  That way, all I have to do is edit the name of the page and I'm done.  Otherwise I have to do them all one at a time which is going to way a lot longer.

Thanks for any suggestions.

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  • Answerer 2022-04-19 08:13
    OneNote Gem has an add-in call OneNote Batch.

    OneNote Batch has a import images feature can do this:

    OneNote import photos, create a single page to store a photo
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