We couldn't load your notebooks because a list limit was exceeded in OneDrive.

Questioner 2022-05-03 09:20 1208

I'm having a problem I've seen others have with my notebooks not loading on my web clipper:

I clicked on the "Learn more" and ran the diagnostics, but couldn't find a problem. It doesn't look like I have too many items, folders, notebooks, etc:

I went ahead and tried building the index anyway and it didn't make a difference.

The notebooks still load fine on my other computer, but not the one I use most often. I've tried uninstalling/reinstalling, clearing the cache, restarting, changing my folder structure in OneDrive, etc.

I especially need to fix this because the web clipper "default location" is a notebook I don't use and it's really annoying to have to find it and move notes around.  I forget a lot (which is why I use onenote!).

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  • Answerer 2022-05-03 09:25
    The issue could occur when the items in your OneDrive for Business library view is more than 5000, which is the list view threshold limit in libraries or lists. When this limitation is exceeded, it will influence the performance of the library or list. It may also cause some unexpected issues.

    In this situation, when we sign into the OneNote clipper with the related work/school account. It cannot load the notebooks in the OneDrive for Business library.

    To check the number of items in OneDrive for Business, you can go to OneDrive for Business>click Gear button in the right upper corner>Site Settings>Gear button in the right upper corner>Site content>check the item under Documents.

    If it is your situation, we suggest you count down the item in OneDrive for Business.

    The API uses the online location, so you'll have to work on cleaning that up to get the number of files down.  Once you get below 20k then it's shouldn't take too long (~30 minutes) for everything to get indexed such that we can query for your list of notebooks from the clipper.

    Unfortunately I don't have a lot of working knowledge here so I'll go ahead and add the same link I gave earlier in case that helps.  If the majority of the files are on your team site then you'll probably have to work with your admin in getting things cleaned up.  If the files are in on your personal site then you'll have a little more direct control. 
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